`just git on down` with the hippest flow around

Installation Instructions
This will create a .bin folder where the script was run. You will need to add that to your PATH.
curl -o- -s | bash
You can also pass in a directory already on your PATH.
curl -o- -s | bash -s -- -b /usr/local/bin/
The root executable is gitm. That is the only root command/alias enabled by default.
Enable other aliases by using `gitm config aliases add`. This will use your config at `~/.git-machine/config` or it will use the default values of `just lets want need`.
eg: "just get on down" instead of gitm on down
Command Recognition
git-machine uses pattern matching to determine the git command. If it recognizes a keyword, it drops insignificant text before it and proxies the rest of the arguments to git with the determined command.
As an example `lets get on up` will recognize "up" and ignore "get" and "on".